Tuesday, August 5, 2008

The worms are dead

I've spent the last week either packing, moving, cleaning, or unpacking. I'm exhausted. But I love my new place!

On the last day in the old place, I came home to a horrible smell. Horrible. Totally shocking and disgusting. Blech. I knew that it was coming from the worms. So, I opened them up. It was bad. Even stinkier. Slimy. Gross. Gross. Gross.

Worm maintenance has been mostly C's department, but I could tell they were too wet. I drained off quite a bit of "tea", added a bunch of dry fiber, and waited for C to come home to further assess the situation.

They were almost all dead.

We ended up throwing all the stinking mass of worms and slime and uneaten food into the dumpster. It is some consolation that what we threw away is still way less than what we put into the worm factory. The worms did a great job for months converting our food waste into worm movement and more worms.

We let them down.

What have I learned?
You have to pay attention to the directions (duh). Put dry fiber (paper, etc.) AND food.
Worms can die.
If they die, you will need to move.

So, will I try again? I'm not sure. There are a lot of deer where we live and the neighbors put salad scraps out in the yard for the deer.

Btw, the deer are SOOOO cute. There are baby deer and mommy deer and daddy deer with antlers. We see them every night. (Can you tell my kids love the deer?)

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