Thursday, October 2, 2008

TGITh ... I am overworked

Whenever we make a big money decision in my house, my husband and I think about our priorities. When we were going to buy a house, we decided to wait because our priorities are 1) a good education for our children, 2)being able to walk to things, and 3) having enough money to do fun stuff. We decided not to get stuck in a house that was in not quite the area that we wanted because 1) the schools weren't as good as we wanted, 2) the stores, etc. weren't as close as we wanted and 3) we were going to get locked into a high fixed expense that was not quite comfortable for us economically.

This semester I failed to consider my priorities and now I have 3 jobs. I thought that the extra money would be great to save for a bigger down payment on a house, but now that I am actually doing the jobs, I don't think it's worth it.

What are my priorities?
Money for a downpayment? Or everything else?

Because that's what's happened. With 3 jobs in 3 different schools, I teach a total of 7 different levels. On some days of the week I teach from 8 am to 10 pm, with only a few hours to come home and do the homework/dinner routine with my family. The other day, I had to leave for work with my daughter sobbing in the driveway. That is NOT what I wanted.

So, I've been thinking about this a lot. I gave up one of my jobs, effective mid-October. Just thinking about that makes me feel better. I've realized that this semester I've been living for the weekend. On Sunday night, I start to get really stressed out and sort of nauseous and that feeling doesn't go away until Thursday afternoon (my teaching load is relatively light on Fridays).

Clearly, I need to work less. The extra money just isn't worth it. My priority is to have a relaxed lifestyle, to be able to spend enjoyable time with my family, and to actually see my friends. If you can't do those things, you're probably working too much... just like me.

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