Friday, May 30, 2008

June Food Challenge

The last time I filled up my car, it cost over $50. Ouch! Gas prices have been all over the news, and it seems that people are finally starting to change the way/how much they drive. Unfortunately, with the heat, house hunting, and 2 out-of-town vacations over the last couple of weeks, we have been driving more than ever... so much, in fact, that I have not been keeping track.

I went to an elementary school picnic today and many of the parents were talking about the high price of gas and food. One person mentioned that food had gotten so expensive that she had given up on organics. I think that many other people are probably making the same kind of calculations at the grocery store. Organic or conventional? Local or who cares? Meat or veggie? How much veggie? Packaged foods or make your own? So many times, there's a trade-off in taste, time involved, healthiness, price.... it's hard to get everything that we want. For example, I'd love local organic strawberries at a reasonable price, but that just doesn't seem to be happening (4 dollars for a small basket is not what I consider reasonable). My kids want to schnarf down corn dogs, which are certainly convenient, but lacking in the healthy/decent price area (even though I buy veggie corn dogs).

The grocery store price problem and gas prices coincide when I start making too many trips to the store, or when I decide that gas actually costs so much that I might as well go to Expensive Mart, since I can walk.

With a quick look back at recent food bills, I've noticed they've gone up... way up. I actually spent 150 at the store a couple of weeks ago, which has never happened before. Some of this is due to higher prices, but I know that some of it is avoidable. It is very hard for me to cut back spending in the area of food, but I do think that we could be wiser in the way that we purchase food, so I am going to have a special June Food Challenge. Here are the rules:
1. Make a weekly menu and a grocery list.
2. Stick to the grocery list.
3. Limit grocery shopping to one weekly trip plus one smaller trip for fresh foods (such as milk and lettuce) only.
4. Eat as much food from the garden as possible (so, pretty much... tomatoes)
5. Choose organic when possible and financially feasible. Blog when it is not.
6. Record weekly cost of groceries.
7. At end of June, compare to May cost.

Join me in the challenge! Make a comment if you'd like to join.

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