Thursday, January 22, 2009

What to do when your kids keep eating

I'm back. I'm rested. (Relatively). I've been researching sea lions and squid -- interesting animals, both of them. But the mission of this short back-to-blogging blog is....

What do you do when your kids (or boyfriend, or yourself, or whatever) keep eating?
My kids (7, 5 and 3) are eating me out of house and home. We finish dinner and the first words out of their mouths are "Can I eat something?"

I have decided that they need to be a little more self-sufficient because I am sick of fixing snacks. So, they can fix themselves:
cereal with milk
egg cup (microwave an egg for a minute with a little salt -- they love it)
PB & J
trail mix
raisins or other dry fruit

None of the above require much cooking. It's all relatively healthy. I have succumbed to the siren song of the frozen Gogurt. It's strange that I buy the big container of organic yogurt, but for snacking and lunches, a frozen tube of yogurt is so much more appealing. I tell myself that at least it's better than the mini container of yogurt, which seems to have more plastic. But that plastic is at least recyclable..... ARGH.

Anyway, sometimes my kids are going for the 8th snack in a row (it seems) and I am cringing at the price of the food that they are inhaling. 50 cent apple (at least) -- gone! 60 cent pear -- adios! Sometimes I try to get them to eat bananas and cereal because at least those things are less expensive.

I do have to admit that my kids are pretty good about not wasting food -- and have even reported shocking instances of other kids wasting food, as in "X threw half an apple away -- he/she's a waster!"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hear ya in the snack dept. We have a ton of tortillas that my kids love w/honey and PB rolled up. Not sure it's all that cost efficient...But the only trash is the tortilla wrapper and if I learned to make them on my own there wouldn't be that! The PB is in a glass jar that we save and the honey thing is recyclable but I hope to start buying it in a diff. container soon. I tell my older son the kitchen is closed at certain hours. He can drink all the water he wants =) I'm so mean! But it's free and all that...that's great that your kids are so into healthy snacks! Thanks for sharing...