Tuesday, April 1, 2008

April Challenge from Crunchy!

Crunchy Chicken challenges us to make April buy nothing month. The rules are:
1. Buy nothing new, except
2. Food, gardening supplies, underwear, medicines

If you need anything else, buy it used, borrow, or make it.
I'm going to go for it! Anyone else want to join?

Blog organization
In other news, I am going to try to be a little more organized about my posts. On Wednesdays, I will do a driving (car divorce) update. On Thursdays, I will do an experiment (like my detergent experiment last week). I also plan to do a day of activism -- probably letter writing, and a day of getting rid of stuff (I'm thinking GROSS -- Get Rid of Stuff Saturday).


Unknown said...

I will be in, except I exempt myself in case of toilet paper (not a food), airplane tickets (those are abstract anyhow, and can't buy them used) and gas for the car (fill up once a month). Otherwise, this appears an easy challenge as I hate shopping. (But we shall see!)

Grad Green said...

I think TP is allowed as a hygeine item. (although... it may not be necessary - Crunchy held a cloth wipe challenge a while back!)

Anonymous said...

surely your friends have already thought of that challenge, and talked about how they just wouldn't feel comfortable using the "guest wipe" and wouldn't be sure of the ethics of BYOTP to a green house. I never read her cloth wipe challenge though, maybe we are all supposed to bring it everywhere we go? (may I say blech?)