Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Real Food Day 2 and Coffee

I know everybody wants to see exactly what I eat every day, but I'm going to hold off. Today, I'm going to focus on a previously super artificial food that is really easy to make "real" -- coffee.

I love coffee. 'Nuf said. Burbanmom decided to give up coffee, but then changed her mind. I don't blame her. Yes, it's addictive. Yes, I'm addicted. But I'm okay with that.

So.... how was I messing this up?
Back in the days, I was drinking regular coffee (not free trade, not organic) that I got at the supermarket, not recycling the can I got it in, or buying coffee in a disposable cup from the nearest coffee shop.

No more! Now, I buy organic/free trade coffee, reuse the bag it comes in, and if I buy coffee outside of the house (which is an enormous waste of money, but necessary), I bring my own cup. Starbucks and WF will give a discount for BYOC. I think it's 25 cents at WF, which is pretty darn good.

Actually, this is not totally true, because I haven't bought any coffee in about a year. All my coffee has come to me, free. I can not reveal my sources, but it has been left over, so I guess I'm sort of a freegan! (It's not from the trash, though.)

I hate that powdered creamer, but I do love half and half. I used to use fat-free half and half. Then, I decided that I only use a little bit, so why not use the real deal? I switched to regular half and half and finally figured out what it is -- on the fat free package, there are about a million mysterious ingredients. But half and half is half cream, half milk. That makes sense.

If you don't want to buy half and half, you can make it, and then make butter with the extra cream. This could be a fun experiment to try with the kids. Another option is just to use whole milk -- still pretty creamy (since I'm used to skim) and less expensive.

C drinks his coffee black. I wish I could, but I like it a little sweet. I was using Splenda. But after 2 days of sugar, I'm going back. Sugar is good, and not too caloric (again... I don't use that much). This is a strange change considering that I used to make fun of people for using artificial sweeteners, and then I became one of those people. (I blame Weight Watchers. I had great success, but started eating a lot of artificial stuff.)

Day 2 Review
I thought that I could rely on WF for my pastry fix. (I know, I have a serious problem). Did you know that many of their pastries contain seaweed products (I can't remember exactly what they called it on the ingredients...). It really cut down on my choices.

Pretty good day today.
Questionable food: tortilla
Triumph: made my own baguettes! And did not destroy the kitchen in the process. I used the dough cycle on the bread machine, then took the dough out, shaped it into baguettes (actually, into canes) and baked them in the oven. They were awesome. We had spaghetti for dinner (made my own sauce...no Ragu supplement) and, of course, chard.

I wonder what will be in the CSA box tomorrow. Chard? It's almost like Christmas.


Unknown said...

I don't understand why you are using Splenda again. Is it because you are addicted to the taste and sugar doesn't satisfy? It reminds of those people who can only drink Diet Coke because regular coke tastes too sugary, but then order a mega-super-large fast food meal.

Grad Green said...

It's true. I don't know why I've been using it either. No more! I think I started b/c of Weight Watchers -- sugar in the coffee is a point, so I went for an artificial sweetener for 0 points.

I checked the sugar package, and a teaspoon of sugar is 15 calories, so I really don't think it's going to break me... but we'll see. If I have massive weight gain b/c of the sugar, it will be my duty to report it.